ELECTIONS WILL BE HAD for new board members and empty Executive positions on Feb. 16th, as voted during the January 19th meeting. Meeting days will be changed from Wednesdays by vote after the elections. If you are wanting to join as new member or just vote as already a member please set aside that night to attend and then also vote for another day of the week for future meetings. NOMINEES MUST BE IN ATTENDANCE.
******SEND IN NOMINATIONS BY February 6th, 10 days before Feb. 16th *******
Cheatom Park Association members or residents wanting to be a boardmember please SEND IN NOMINATIONS by mail, email or phone for themselves or for other neighbors to join the board. For Executive positions of Treasurer and Vice President, residents must ask a member(or directly or email me/Don) to nominate you or others if interested in serving.
Send Nominee's name, spelling, address, short bio and position looking to fill to:
Cheatom Park Association
email - CheatomPark@gmail.com
phone- (515) 661-4361 -
President(Chair) Don Curry
Email: loki@lokisgarden.com
1189 10th St.
Des Moines IA 50314
This will take place, NO MATTER if nominated Executive candidates are not present for the meeting or there is a low quorum. Executive positions will be filled for the Interim by requested members in attendance to fill the empty Executive slots or persons previously holding the position will continue.
Non-member elected board/Executive members must pay a $12 yearly membership due once elected.
** Plan for this year's neighborhood/area events for spring summer and fall!! Build COMMUNITY
Chris Butts - Secretary Cheatom Park Neighborhood Association